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BlogDEIDiversity & Inclusion

How Personal Experiences Shape Corporate Inclusion

Written by Maemalynn Meanor, Senior Public Relations Manager at The Linux Foundation

This year, in an effort to increase diversity, equity and inclusion in the technology industry, Open Mainframe Project partnered with Broadcom Mainframe Software, IBM, Rocket Software, TechChannel and VirtualZ Computing on an initiative, “Making Our Community, Stronger,” that will produce a series of conversations via webinars and articles about different diversity, equity and inclusion views, strategies, best practices and experiences.

On April 28, we held our first 2021 webinar, “How Personal Experiences Shape Corporate Inclusion.” Moderated by Dr. Gloria Chance, President and CEO of the Mousai Group, this intimate conversation showcases the different views of colleagues from across the mainframe industry. Ashley Peterson, Product Marketing Manager at IBM Z and LinuxONE; Jeff Henry, VP Strategy, Product Management & Design Mainframe Software Division at Broadcom, Sharra Owens-Schwartz, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity Senior Director at Rocket Software; and Jerry Chaupradit, Manager, IBM Z Enterprise Networking Solutions at IBM shared their personal stories and emotional journey that has most impacted their careers.

Watch it here:

As a next step for the “Making our Strong Community, Stronger” collaborative initiative, we ask that you provide your feedback about the webinar and what you would like to see next one in this 5-minute survey. Fill it out here.

Additionally, we would like to keep the dialog going: What does DEI mean to you? What is your company doing to further DEI? Do you have experiences starting, planning or running a DEI initiative? Send an email to TechChannel Senior Editor Keelia Estrada Moeller at

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