Mainframe Open Education is a community that focuses on ‘open sourcing’ mainframe learning roadmaps and community knowledge transfer.

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Mainframe Open Education’s mission is to deliver to mainframe users a convenient platform to create or donate learning tools, so we cultivate skills, and we allow for knowledge sharing and community contributions. This effort being a community-based program, is the differentiating feature, offering a distinctive difference from all other sources of education.  It is the collective body of knowledge within our generous community that matters, creating a groundswell of people who are leading the way for future mainframe technicians.

By participating, you’ll contribute mainframe learning roadmaps and educational materials to a central non-profit organization (OMP-MOE), you’ll be guided based on job roles with the greatest need.  Let us place community priority to meet the most critical pain points for hiring managers today, from introduction to deep technical skill. The material you contribute will be curated and offered back to the community at no cost, or at a very low cost, if labs and system access require a small contribution. Mainframe users will be able to tap into the enormous tribal knowledge gained from decades of experience by thousands of mainframe veterans.  The joy of it comes from our success in transferring these skills to the next generation, all within a trusted platform.

If you’re a hiring manager seeking Mainframe talent, or if you’re an employee looking to expand your skills, you’ll find real value here. And, in true community spirit, you’ll help that value grow for yourself and others if you join and contribute!

A key tenant of this project is the quality and ease of use of the offering.  To ensure that the learning roadmaps and other materials available through MOE are practical, focused, and easy to navigate, a MOE board of experts will review submissions and curate content that adheres to quality standards for the end-user, all cataloged within a consumable learning roadmap.

Want to get involved? Here’s what you do:

  1. Access the GitBook Workspace using this link.

  2. Request editor access under the How You Can Contribute section.

  3. Review and contribute to the existing content by creating Change Requests and using the Discussion feature. Be sure to review GitBook help to familiarize yourself with these functions.

  4. Your contributions will be reviewed and merged by the Mainframe Open Education review team.