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Women in Tech Presenting at Open Mainframe Summit

By | September 3, 2020

The inaugural Open Mainframe Summit. will bring together all of the different types of mainframers – from students to hobbyists, seasoned professionals to new engineers, developers, and educators – to share best practices, discuss hot topics, learn technical insight from the best, and network with like-minded individuals who are passionate about the mainframe industry.

On Thursday, September 17 • 1:55 pm – 2:25 pm join Jeanne Glass, Founder, and CEO of VirtualZ, as she hosts a discussion with April Hickel, AVP of Product Management at BMC, and Julie Bergh, Worldwide Lead Security Executive with Rocket Software on the importance of Observability in Mainframe DevOps.

In this session, they will discuss how DevOps brings together development, operations, and automation, shortening the development lifecycle and improving product quality. Despite mainframe development teams being the first to employ DevOps practices, today when most people think of DevOps, they typically think of distributed platforms.

IBM recently reporting record high growth in mainframe MIPs, the new IBM z15 runs one trillion secure web transactions per day, and increasingly, businesses are integrating the mainframe back into their DevOps lifecycle. But DevOps extends beyond just technology and monitoring extends beyond just gathering log data. The concept of “Observability” and its strong human element, including organizational culture, is becoming prominent in the DevOps lifecycle.

Observability brings together the people, processes, and technologies in the software development lifecycle.

See the full conference schedule here.

Conference Registration for the online event is $50 for general attendance and $15 for academia.