CBT Tape s an open library of free software distribution for the IBM mainframe Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) and OS/390 and z/OS operating system environments that continues to evolve to meet today’s modern needs. The collection of free software is generally updated “version-wise” about twice a year. This does not mean that you can’t get to updates that came in-between times. Those updates can be found on our website. As a part of the Open Mainframe Community, CBT Tape benefits from a broader ecosystem that will raise awareness for this extensive library and introduce it to a new generation.
Most CBT Tape files consist of a PDS, or partitioned dataset, which you can picture as a subdirectory. A partitioned dataset contains one, or many “members”, each of which is a data file or a program. In order to load a partitioned dataset onto a single tape file, it has to be “sequentialized”, or in other words it has to be converted into a single individual file, before it is copied to tape. This process is done by the use of several programs that come with the collection, and which are used for this purpose.
Some single CBT Tape files contain several hundred programs. With more than 1000 files in the CBT main collection, and more than 300 files in the CBT Overflow collection, the entire collection contains thousands of tools for systems programmers to use.
CBT Tape has been busy – below are the file updates that have made to the CBT collection in the last 6 months:
- 1035 zPipe – Free Pipes-like package written in REXX * 24/06/11
- 300 Jim Marshall’s enormous collection of TSO programs * 24/06/10
- 134 Greg Price Utility collection – REVIEW, etc. * 24/06/09
- 314 Lionel Dyck Collection of Utilities. TX thru Z * 24/06/07
- 313 Lionel Dyck Collection of Utilities. S thru TS * 24/06/05
- 120 Sam Golob’s “MVS Tools & Tricks” and other articles * 24/06/04
- 406 CQX (purge all jobs with same name), TSO FIND dsname * 24/06/03
- 035 LOAD MODULE file – Quick install of useful programs * 24/06/02
- 135 Greg Price Load Module library * 24/06/02
- 182 PDS Command Package–Version Support * 24/06/02
- 312 Lionel Dyck Collection of Utilities. A thru R * 24/05/27
- 1040 Frank Clarke execs-enhance PL/I listings and source * 24/05/27
- 1056 RUNDATA exec. Externalize customization of REXX execs * 24/05/21
- 321 COBOL Analyzer from Roland Schiradin & post processr * 24/05/16
- 997 ISPF Git Interface – ZIGI * 24/05/16
- 008 Jobs used to create the previous CBT Tape version * 24/05/10
- 669 REXX save & retrieve variables, read/write VSAM-more * 24/05/10
- 989 FINDMEM package. Give member name, find the datasets * 24/05/10
- 423 Jeff Broido collection – TSO commands and utilities * 24/05/08
- 731 IKJTSOxx Parmlib info-Display/Chg XMIT parms-UCBDASD * 24/05/08
- 874 HELP members for some programs in the CBT collection * 24/05/08
- 994 TSO commands – Display entire load modules in hex * 24/05/08
- 1047 FINDLIBS and SHOWLIBS from Frank Clarke * 24/05/06
- 1044 CBTXREF. Given a member name, get the CBT Tape file * 24/05/06
- 435 Frank Clarke’s execs having to do with TSO userids * 24/04/28
- 433 Frank Clarke’s collection of REXX execs, etc. * 24/04/28
- 417 RACFADM – ISPF Dialog to make RACF admin easier. * 24/04/26
- 1016 TSO commands from Steve Myers * 24/04/21
- 247 Broadcast Manager Utilities to manage SYS1.BRODCAST * 24/04/19
- 1054 Tool to tell which TSO users are using pass phrases * 24/04/19
- 1053 MEMZAP and KDSLIST programs from Alain Barthelemy * 24/04/18
- 1042 DEIMBED REXX to allocate temporary ISPF resources * 24/04/12
- 956 Steve Myers programs: DSREF, ICOPY, DASDSUM, etc. * 24/04/11
- 415 RPF TSO-based ISPF-like editor, etc. Vers 1.9.7 * 24/04/09
- 1031 Find and Fix some irregular ISPF stats. * 24/04/06
- 185 IKJTABLS Source Code – Auth pgms – and load library * 24/04/05
- 826 CNCLPG tool to alter properties of an address space * 24/04/05
- 797 LWATMGR, LLWA, TSUB.Fix your TSO session auth tables * 24/04/05
- 488 Jim Iannone Utilities for Production Control * 24/03/29
- 836 “Xephon MVS Update” programs updated for z/OS * 24/03/29
- 1052 TSO cmds to Display/Change attributes of DASD volumes * 24/03/25
- 481 Baldomero Castilla Utilities – Load Modules * 24/03/12
- 480 Baldomero Castilla Utilities – Source Code * 24/03/12
- 229 COPYMODS and other utilities for Tape Copying * 24/03/11
- 961 Additional ISPF Edit and View commands,Yves Colliard * 24/03/01
- 977 URL Table for MOSHIX YouTube Mainframe Videos * 24/02/23
- 492 SHOWzOS 8.02 and 7.25, plus SHOWMVS 7.10 and 6.30 * 24/02/21
- 614 SHOWMVS and SHOWzOS Load Libraries FB-80 XMIT format * 24/02/21
- 1051 ZEMF Dynamic SMF Exits Alteration Facility – B.Marino * 24/02/14
- 001 CBT DOC – Modified File 001 for Version 506 * 24/02/13
- 043 The Official CBT Dialog for easy access to all files * 24/02/12
- 648 ZRMS Resource Monitoring Subsystem from Ben Marino * 24/02/11
- 029 Cook Book instructions to Enlarge the VTOC of a pack * 24/01/24
- 059 IPL DATE display under ISPF * 24/01/17
- 020 A collection of system level REXX execs * 24/01/14
- 257 ZAPS to Linkage Editor to take BLKSIZE=32720 * 24/01/12
- 014 Sam Golob’s SMP/E Introduction tutorial-old articles * 24/01/07
- 969 PDSEGEN multi-utility for PDSE v2 member generations * 24/01/04
- 1048 Monsanto Mods from Belgium (1970’s – large file) * 24/01/03
- 266 SS0104 MAPTAPE program, Footages. SS0278 DUPTAPE pgm * 23/12/26
- 1023 REXX Xreference Utility from Richard Humphris * 23/12/24
Thank you to all of our community members who contributed and made updates! We appreciate your help.
All updates, codes and news can be found on the CBT Tape community website – http://www.cbttape.org/,