Open Mainframe Project member Phoenix Software invite you to visit their booth at GSE GUIDE SPRING EVENT 2020, March 23 - 24 in Nice, France. The GSE GUIDE SPRING EVENT, designed for...
Open Mainframe Project member Phoenix Software invite you to visit their booth at GSE GUIDE SPRING EVENT 2020, March 23 - 24 in Nice, France. The GSE GUIDE SPRING EVENT, designed for...
SUSECON 2020 is going virtual! Check back for details. The Open Mainframe Project will be on-site at SUSECON 2020 in Dubin, Ireland March 23–27, 2020. SUSECON ‘20 is hosting over...
Open Source Forum London 2020 has bee postponed. Please check back for details. The Open Mainframe Project will be on-site at Open Source Forum London 2020 in London, England on...
The Open Mainframe Project will be onsite at IBM Think 2020. IBM Think 2020 is the annual IBM business and technology conference is now virtual! IBM Think provides hands-on experience...
Open Mainframe Project's Zowe hosted its first-ever Virtual Hackathon for the developer community from February 23-April 30. The goal of the hackathon was to educate students, engineers and makers around...
Open Mainframe Project's Zowe, the first ever open source software framework, has announced its first active Long Term Support (LTS) release and updated Zowe Conformance Program. Join us on Thursday,...
The Open Mainframe Project #zowe Community would like to announce the first Joint Program Increment (3 month PI) Planning session. This event will align all the Zowe squads to a shared...
The Open Mainframe Project will be speaking at Open Source Summit North America 2020 June 29 - July 2. Open Source Summit North America (OSS NA) is the leading conference...
The Open Mainframe Project will be on-site at OSCON July 13 - 16, in Portland, Oregon. OSCON covers everything shaping software development today—from AI and cloud technology to distributed computing....
The Open Mainframe Project will be on-site at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit China 2020 July 28 - 30, 2020 in Shanghai, China. The Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s flagship...